Churches Higher Education Liaison Group


CHELG exists to support higher education chaplains. Right now, we are facing a shifting landscape in higher education and we want to help you navigate it. Check out our Notice Board for details of current resources. You can also join our Facebook group

Our executive is composed of staff members of denominations which are part of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI) and who have, as part of their job description, the co-ordination of university and higher education chaplaincy within their denominations.

The group comprises Anglican, Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist, Orthodox, Quaker (Religious Society of Friends), Roman Catholic, and United Reformed Church members. If you do not belong to any of these churches, you might still find some of what we do of interest or use.

  • 2 Lilac Grove
  • Victoria Park Ave
  • Leeds
  • LS5 3AG

0113 3435073
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